Who Pays for basic income?

not you.

If your money comes from a paycheque, you likely won’t pay for it. We can fund a Basic Income without taxing most Canadians, while growing the economy.

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In-Person Event in Toronto

Envisioning Canada's Future:

The Basic Income Revolution

Wed October 18, 2023,  at 5 PM ET
Intelliware Office, 200 Adelaide W., Toronto

Join Canadian experts as we discuss the economic and social benefits of basic income, the latest developments in Canada and around the world, and common questions and misconceptions about basic income.

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Building a Canada where anyone

can pursue their potential.

Building a Canada where anyone can pursue their potential.

Millions of Canadians support Basic Income. Make your voice heard.

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Bill C-273:
Canada's First
Basic Income Bill

Add your voice and tell your MP to vote YES on Canada's Basic Income Bill.

A Canada where everyone can pursue their potential.

What We're For

We are for a Guaranteed Basic Income to keep people out of poverty, as a first step towards a UBI dividend that gives all Canadians a stake in our future.

The Team

We are a group of business leaders, economists, artists, public relations experts, and civic-minded Canadians.

What We Do

We work on making Basic Income an election-winning policy by building voter support, spreading evidence-based narratives, and empowering leaders and advocates.

A majority of Canadians support basic income. We're leading Canada's largest network of basic income activists to make it a reality.

Report: Universal Basic Income can grow Canada's economy $80B/year and add 600,000 jobs, while ending poverty

A report launched in December 2020 by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis shows that Basic Income could grow Canada's economy by more than it costs, while creating jobs, supporting businesses, and ending poverty in Canada.

Key Summary & Findings

Take Action for Basic Income

Help push basic income in Canada today by participating in our activist campaigns.

See our Campaigns

See how Basic Income benefits YOUR local economy

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Basic income works to benefit our economy, create jobs, and support businesses — while keeping millions of Canadians out of poverty. We have the data and evidence to prove it.

Visit the Research Page

Demand a Recovery Universal Basic Income in Canada

Millions of Canadians are about to face total income loss when the Canada Emergency Response Benefit runs out. 4 out of 10 recent layoffs may become permanent job losses, and it could take more than a decade to recover.

Sign our petition today for a Recovery UBI and demand a more fair and fast post-pandemic recovery.

Our Story

October 2018

CEOs for Basic Income

UBI Works founder, Floyd Marinescu, led 120 Canadian CEOs, representing over $2.3 billion in annual revenues, to sign a letter in support of Universal Basic Income and urge Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, to resume the cancelled Ontario Basic Income Pilot.

Learn more
September 2019

Economic Contribution of the Canada Child Benefit

UBI Works commissioned the Canadian Center for Economic Analysis to study the impacts the Canada Child Benefit, showing that a national basic income is growing our economy, creating jobs, and lifting Canadians out of poverty.

Learn more
October 2019

Basic Income March Toronto

We organized the first ever Basic Income March in Toronto, joining more than 20 cities around the world on October 26, 2019 to march in support of basic income.

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November 2019

Ontario Liberal Party 2020 Leadership Race

Between November 2019 and March 2020, UBI Works organized activists to attend Ontario Liberal Party debates, holding signs and demonstrating public support for UBI, working closely with Alvin Tedjo.

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March 2020

Ontario Liberal Party Convention

On March 7, 2020, UBI Works founder, Floyd Marinescu, gave a talk with a 6.5'-tall robot named Tech in front of over 2,000 politicos, including former Premiers of Ontario, MPs, MPPs, and delegates, about automation and the urgency for UBI.

Learn more
March 2020

COVID-19 Emergency UBI Petition

UBI Works launched a petition for an Emergency UBI, garnering over 30,000 signatures and emails to MPs in all 338 federal ridings in the week before CERB was announced.

Learn more
July 2020

Recovery UBI

UBI Works launched a campaign for a Recovery Universal Basic Income: a $500/month universal dividend , as part of a $2,000/month guaranteed minimum income. Join over 20,000 Canadians and sign the petition today for fairer and faster post-pandemic economic recovery.‍

Learn more
December 2020

Potential Economic Impacts and Reach of Basic Income Programs in Canada

UBI Works commissioned the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis to study the economic impacts of a national Basic Income in Canada. The report showed that Basic Income could grow our economy sustainably while ending poverty and growing the middle class.

Learn more
June 2021

Canada's First Basic Income Bill C-273

We worked with Julie Dzerowicz MP, sponsor of Canada's first-ever private member's bill for a Guaranteed Basic Income, to launch a national promotional campaign and petition to UBI activists and MPs in every riding.

Learn more
December 2021

Bills S-233 & C-223 for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income

We launched national activist campaign to help promote Bills S-233 & C-223 for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income, introduced by Senator Kim Pate and MP Leah Gazan.

Learn more
October 2018

CEOs for Basic Income

UBI Works founder, Floyd Marinescu, led 120 Canadian CEOs, representing over $2.3 billion in annual revenues, to sign a letter in support of Universal Basic Income and urge Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, to resume the cancelled Ontario Basic Income Pilot.

Learn more
September 2019

Economic Contribution of the Canada Child Benefit

UBI Works commissioned the Canadian Center for Economic Analysis to study the impacts the Canada Child Benefit, showing that a national basic income is growing our economy, creating jobs, and lifting Canadians out of poverty.

Learn more
October 2019

Basic Income March Toronto

We organized the first ever Basic Income March in Toronto, joining more than 20 cities around the world on October 26, 2019 to march in support of basic income.

Learn more
March 2020

Ontario Liberal Party Convention

On March 7, 2020, UBI Works founder, Floyd Marinescu, gave a talk with a 6.5'-tall robot named Tech in front of over 2,000 politicos, including former Premiers of Ontario, MPs, MPPs, and delegates, about automation and the urgency for UBI.

Learn more
March 2020

COVID-19 Emergency UBI Petition

UBI Works launched a petition for an Emergency UBI, garnering over 30,000 signatures and emails to MPs in all 338 federal ridings in the week before CERB was announced.

Learn more
July 2020

Recovery UBI

UBI Works launched a campaign for a Recovery Universal Basic Income: a $500/month universal dividend , as part of a $2,000/month guaranteed minimum income. Join over 20,000 Canadians and sign the petition today for fairer and faster post-pandemic economic recovery.‍

Learn more
December 2020

Potential Economic Impacts and Reach of Basic Income Programs in Canada

UBI Works commissioned the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis to study the economic impacts of a national Basic Income in Canada. The report showed that Basic Income could grow our economy sustainably while ending poverty and growing the middle class.

Learn more
June 2021

Canada's First Basic Income Bill C-273

We worked with Julie Dzerowicz MP, sponsor of Canada's first-ever private member's bill for a Guaranteed Basic Income, to launch a national promotional campaign and petition to UBI activists and MPs in every riding.

Learn more
December 2021

Bills S-233 & C-223 for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income

We launched national activist campaign to help promote Bills S-233 & C-223 for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income, introduced by Senator Kim Pate and MP Leah Gazan.

Learn more

Proof Points You Can Share Right Now

Universal Basic Income could grow our economy more than it costs, while ending poverty in Canada.

A report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis shows that UBI could be a sustainable investment in Canadians that grows our economy $80 billion/year, creates hundreds of thousands of jobs, and supports Canada's businesses - all while lifting 3.2 million Canadian families out of poverty, ending poverty. Read the full report & highlights here.

120 Canadian CEOs Say Basic Income is Urgent

In Oct 2018, UBI Works organized the launch of Canadian CEOs for Basic Income with a letter signed by over 120 Canadian CEOs representing over $2.3B in combined revenues.   The letter lays the economic arguments for basic income and asked Doug Ford to not cancel the Ontario Pilot.  The founders and CEOs who understand the issues overwhelmingly support a basic income in Canada.

1.2M Canadian Families already get a Basic Income. It's growing the economy, creating jobs, and lifting Canadians out of poverty.

Since 2016,  Canada has already had a basic income for people with children. It has grown the economy and created jobs, while inflation has been low.  Over 1.2M families get an average basic income of $680/month through the Canada Child Benefit.

105,000 People Got A Basic Income and Kept Working

A study of 105K people in 16 basic income trials in the last 50 years found no work disincentive. Meanwhile, in Alaska, basic income increased part-time work by 17%, with no drop in full-time work.  We don’t need more pilots - we know basic income works, and allows people to build stronger careers and better lives.

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Our Belief

We believe that UBI works as a key building block in the realization of a human-centred economy that promotes innovation as well as the social and economic well-being of individuals, families, and communities across Canada.

We understand that the changing nature of work, driven by technology and globalization, has created many opportunities for the improvement of human life.

However, the gains from technological innovation have been highly uneven, with technological job displacement polarizing the economy: creating more low income jobs than high income jobs and splitting cities and provinces into large low income regions and select higher income regions, as middle class jobs continue to be displaced.

  • Universal Basic Income is an innovation policy: it recaptures  our risk tolerance:  unlocking the opportunity for everyone to take bigger risks, think long term, and create.
  • A Universal Basic Income defends equality of opportunity & self-reliance in a world where technological job displacement is reducing incomes for many.
  • A Universal Basic Income guarantees there is no longer a “working poor” ensuring that ongoing technological innovation is directed at preserving and expanding a middle class way of life for everyone.
  • UBI is an economic need that puts markets in service to humanity, installing the plumbing into economy that adds resilience and robustness to the economy, ensuring everyone can fully participate to their potential.
  • Universal Basic Income abolishes poverty and reduces human suffering as well as all reducing the costs of poverty to society.

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Our Friends

Our Mission

To shift the conversation about basic income to recognize it as an economic need and economic opportunity, with the goal of seeing UBI implemented in Canada.

Our Vision

We can realize the compassionate potential of a human-centred economy to end poverty, reduce violence, and secure our personal freedoms.

Our Why

We want a Canada where everyone can pursue their potential and not be held back by basic material constraints or unsafe environments.

Backers & Believers

Andrew Yang, US Presidential Candidate, Venture for America Founder

James Tonn, Exponential Ventures Founder, formerly CEO of Podium Publishing

Alon Ozery, CEO of Ozery Bakery. Maker of natural pitas, flatbreads and alternative buns sold in North America

Giovanni Marsico, Creator & CEO ArchAngel Summit, 1000+ attendee conference of visionary leaders and entrepreneurs

James Wallace, Exponential Ventures Co-Founder, Former CEO Tribe OS, Digital Advertising Platform

Steve Hulford, CEO Underknown, Creator of WhatIF, INSH, video channels: 1.1B watched minutes

Steve Dyck, President of Guelph Solar, Clean Energy for your Home and Business, Green Party of Canada MP Candidate.

Phil Carvaglio, Co-Founder of Precision Nutrition, Home of the World’s Top Nutrition Coaches.

Sunny Verma, CEO & Founder Tutor Bright, Tutoring Service That Gives Your Child An Academic & Mentorship Plan

Peter Cameron, Co-operative Development Manager, Ontario Co-operative Association

Michael Schwanzer, CEO & Founder of Zeitdice

Robin Boadway, Professor of Economics at Queen’s University

Paul Vallee, CEO of Tehama, Technology Services Company specializing in AI & Cloud Infrastructure

Barbara Boraks,  Executive Director, Christian Jewish Dialogue of Toronto Steering Committee member

Mike Perry, Lawyer, Executive Director, City of Kawartha Lakes Family Health Team

Rob Rainer, Councilor, Tay Valley Township

Mike Brcic,  CEO Sacred Rides, “#1 Mountain Bike Tour Company on Earth” – National Geographic Adventure

Aaron Lowell, CEO Cannex, Pricing Information for Annuity and Bank Products Across North America

Sol Orwell, CEO Examine, Nutrition and Supplement Information Based on Science

Yafa Sakkejha, CEO Beneplan, Chief Executive Officer of Beneplan, Insurance

Support Us

Our Mission

To shift the conversation about basic income to recognize it as an economic need and economic opportunity, with the goal of seeing UBI implemented in Canada.

Our Why

We want a Canada where everyone can pursue their potential and not be held back by basic material constraints or unsafe environments.

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