(En français)
At the 2021 Liberal National Convention, Liberals voted overwhelmingly in support of Basic Income, with both of their Basic Income policy resolutions among the top 5 most endorsed by delegates.
The Liberal Party has officially adopted policies in support of creating a Basic Income 3 times before at their conventions in 2014, 2016, and 2018. Despite this, Basic Income has never been included in any of the party’s platforms.
Liberal members have told their leadership for a 4th consecutive time that a Liberal government should institute a Basic Income. What's different this time is that one of the resolutions was supported by both the Senior Liberal Commission and elected Liberal MPs, a signal that the party establishment may finally be listening to its members.
If you would like to see Basic Income become part of the official Liberal Party platform, make sure to let your party know by using the tools on this page.
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To shift the conversation about basic income to recognize it as an economic need and economic opportunity, with the goal of seeing UBI implemented in Canada.
We want a Canada where everyone can pursue their potential and not be held back by basic material constraints or unsafe environments.
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